Reviews for the overthinker

The Love Square Reversal Is The Best Thing To Happen To Miraculous Ladybug
It's confusing, I know. And it certainly creates the opportunity for comedy gold but it's also incredibly infuriating. You see, the love square's main purpose is to show the audience just how compatible these two characters are. They are, quite literally, made for each other. And I say literally because Ladybug holds the miraculous of Creation while Cat Noir holds the miraculous of Destruction. The are the yin and yang of this universe.

The Love Square is one of the most unique and iconic aspects of Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir. It's actually my favourite part of this show and the reason why I watch every episode I can access, regardless of how infuriating some of them are. And obviously, even from the title alone, you should know that this review will contain spoilers for Miraculous Ladybug seasons 1 - 5.

For those of you who don't know this show (but for some reason, are reading this review), the love square is the title given to Adrien and Marinette's strange love triangle (or square) with each other. You see, Marinette is actually the superhero Ladybug and Adrien is actually the superhero Cat Noir. And unfortunately for them, they do not know each other's secret identities despite being classmates. And even worse ... Adrien is in love with Ladybug while Marinette is in love with Adrien. Which means, they cannot be together because they ... mutually love each other?

It's confusing, I know. And it certainly creates the opportunity for comedy gold but it's also incredibly infuriating. You see, the love square's main purpose is to show the audience just how compatible these two characters are. They are, quite literally, made for each other. And I say literally because Ladybug holds the miraculous of Creation while Cat Noir holds the miraculous of Destruction. The are the yin and yang of this universe.

But the other interesting dilemma that happens is that they are both in love with the other's ideal version. While Marinette Dupain Cheng is clumsy and forever late to everything, Ladybug is a calm and collected superhero who always knows what to do. And while Cat Noir is flirtatious and careless, Adrien is the kindest and sweetest person you could ever meet. And so, in order for this show to capitalise on the fact that they are MADE for each other, they must also be in love with the other's chaotic version. They cannot simply fall instantly in love by just knowing the other's true identity. That would be disingenuous.

Chat Blanc And Ephemeral Failed For A Reason

Season 3's Chat Blanc provides a glimpse into the alternate timeline in which Adrien Agreste discovered Ladybug's true identity and so entered into a relationship with her without her knowing who he really is. In this universe, Adrien only saw Marinette as a potential love interest due to her secretly being Ladybug.

And though it can be argued that Adrien cares deeply for Marinette, he didn't "fall" in love or pursue her until after discovering she's Ladybug. He also entered into a relationship with her without informing her that he knows who she is. Their entire relationship was built on a lie and it almost seems as though Adrien would be willing to accept anyone so long as she was Ladybug.

Ephemeral, on the other hand, explored Marinette discovering Cat Noir's true identity and having a panic attack until she eventually sees his similarities with Adrien Agreste and pursues him. In this situation, it appears as though Marinette is freaked out by the idea of Adrien being Cat Noir. Even though she clearly loves Cat Noir (and he is her best friend), she is so against the idea of dating him that even his being her crush isn't enough. She is terrified.

Clearly this isn't the reaction you want from the person you're meant to be with. Marinette should whole-heartedly love Cat Noir, not just tolerate him because he's also Adrien. Cat Noir is who Adrien truly is just as Marinette is who Ladybug truly is. In order for this to be true love, they both need to accept the other's true version. And this is why both Chat Blanc and Ephemeral failed to conclude the love square. Neither of them were good enough to justify the idea that Marinette and Adrien are destined to be together.

The Love Square Reversal Proves They Truly Love Each Other

At the end of season 4, Adrien comes to the conclusion that Marinette has always been there for him. Not only has she continuously advocated for him, she is also the only one who has ever truly understood him. While his friends are excited at his chance to tour the world, Marinette understands his true feelings and VALIDATES them. Adrien, sweet doormat that he is, has never really had this before.

Meanwhile, Marinette finally realises that her crush on Adrien makes her a danger to society. She hyper-fixates on him and this prevents her from making good decisions. And so when her life falls apart due to her blind faith in Adrien, Cat Noir is the only one there for her. And this makes her realise that he is the only one who could ever understand her.

They both fall out of love and in love with each other after realising that only the other understands them (my god, the love square creates convoluted sentences). This is the ideal. They're now in love with each other's chaotic (authentic personality). They've fallen for each other twice. You can't get more "they're made for each other" than this.

It makes their love for each other seem genuine rather than simple hero worship. I don't want to see a love story between a teenage girl and her idol or a teenage boy and his superhero crush, I want to see two people who were created for each other to get together. And in order for that to happen, the love square had to be reversed.


I am fully of the opinion that Marinette has always loved Cat Noir and he has always loved Marinette. They are each other's best friend. They would die for the other without question. Even when the other is being difficult, they never give up on each other. They never stop trying to make the other happy.

As calm as Ladybug is in the face of her loved ones being accumatised or threatened, she loses her mind when Cat Noir is in danger. She had no problem trusting Alya after she was accumatised and yet, Chat Blanc traumatised her. It's the biggest reason why she pulled away from Cat Noir and why she tried to give him so many breaks. And when Alya gave up her miraculous, Marinette was upset but she accepted it.

The few times Cat Noir has given up his miraculous (The New York Special and Season 4 Cat Walker), Marinette lost her mind. Miss girl damn near had a breakdown and even confessed she couldn't be Ladybug without him. He is her partner and though she hasn't always let him in, this is mostly out of fear. She has even admitted that if Adrien didn't exist, she might see a relationship with Cat Noir.

Adrien, on the other hand, was obsessed with Marinette from the day he met her. Even when she was a stranger to him, he sought her approval. Her being upset with him broke his heart and he did everything he could to fix it. Not just that, he actually flirts with Marinette and attempts to show off around her. And though he may ignore others in order to transform or help Ladybug, he has always tried to ensure that she is safe. She is always the first person he chooses to protect. And he seeks her advice (even though she's a mumbling idiot around him).

If they weren't so blinded by their love for one version of the other, they would see that they love both versions of the other (damn the love square makes it hard to English). I am convinced that if Ladybug and Adrien didn't exist, Marichat would 100% be a thing. You don't visit "just a friend" in the middle of the night when your crush stands you up and you don't have a breakdown when your "platonic partner" leaves you.

It's just that now they've finally recognised the toxicity in their actions and realised who they truly love. But Marichat has always existed.

Final Thoughts

I understand that many fans were disappointed with the pacing and writing choices but I would encourage you to continue watching. As good as season 3 was, season 4 and 5 are beyond words. I have never been so personally invested in this show before. And while parts of it are heart-breaking, I truly cannot wait for this story arc to end.

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