I love redemption arcs for victims of abuse. I think they serve as a wonderful message. A beacon of hope. But not every abuse victim has to be redeemed. Especially in a show that has other victims of abuse who break the cycle, it's fine to have a character who doesn't. It's sad but it also serves as a message to kids.
Even though Chloe is presented as an entitled rich brat with high self-esteem, she is incredibly insecure. Her abusive childhood would logically cause her to feel she isn't good enough. And you see this in her interactions with her mother. Getting abandoned by her own mother is traumatic. And this would've been triggered by Ladybug ignoring her.
The only thing I had a gripe with is the fact that they didn’t get Cristina Vee to sing, at least for the English version. It would’ve been fine for Lou to only sing the French version but having her sing the English version made it jarring every time. Cristina Vee has a phenomenal voice. Let her sing! Because with how it is right now, I'm getting jolted out of the character every time she sings. It's very clear that two different people are voicing the character here.
She's realised how much she relies on Cat Noir. And she's realised he's the only one who's been through it all with her. I want that to really sink in. I want him to be as involved now as he was at the beginning of the series.
It's confusing, I know. And it certainly creates the opportunity for comedy gold but it's also incredibly infuriating. You see, the love square's main purpose is to show the audience just how compatible these two characters are. They are, quite literally, made for each other. And I say literally because Ladybug holds the miraculous of Creation while Cat Noir holds the miraculous of Destruction. The are the yin and yang of this universe.